For the rest of the project I'm going to have a few people in
Kelt's life write guest posts. This entry is by our sister Kenzi.
I thought my dad was joking when he told me I was going to be Kelton's new aid at Whatcom Community College. I realized that he was being serious after attending orientation. As a recent Washington State University graduate, I was not exactly thrilled with the idea of spending my first year in the real world at community college.
It was a difficult process finding classes and programs that would work best for Kelt. After hours of research, tests, phone calls and meetings, my family realized that he would need an aid to be successful. We went back and forth between my mom and I, but finally decided it would seem more normal if I was the aid rather then his Mommy!
The first day of school Kelt introduced me as his personal secretary; last week he announced during math class that my breath smelled like grass; and in weight training he continues to tell everyone that I'm weak and can only do one pull-up. Being his personal secretary and sister can be unpredictable and nerve-racking, making it hard to decipher my role (sister or aid). Through this experience I have realized more then ever that I need to let him be himself. It’s important that people accept him for who he is.
If you were to ask Kelt about college, he would tell you that he's having fun and loves seeing people he knows. I'm happy that I'm helping my family and that Kelt gets to experience college. We've been going to Whatcom for four weeks and each day continues to be exciting. Wish us luck for the rest of the quarter!