I often look at Mark Haddon's website (author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) and came across his post about the book The Interrogative Mood: A Novel?, which includes 164 pages of philosophical questions. I thought it'd be interesting to ask Kelt a few:
- Who is your favorite painter? Van Gogh, Warhol, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo
- Do you picture the days of the week on a calendar in your mind? Yes
- Do you like fire? Yes because it’s fun to burn things.
- What dead person would you bring back to life? My old dog Liebe.
- What’s just about the worst thing you ever heard of? Celebrity deaths
- If you could emigrate to any country in the world and support yourself there, which country would it be? Japan
- Is there a particular odor or situation guaranteed to nauseate you? B-6 vitamins
- Would you like to have been at Pearl Harbor? Pearl Harbor would be a nightmare. It would be like an old motion picture.
- Who in your opinion was the greatest conqueror, military speaking, in history? Hitler or Stalin
- Have you ever dug up anything valuable? A toy that I buried five years earlier.
- If you got one today, what might you name a dog? I would get a corgi and name it Kailey because I miss her.
- What would you prepare if told that Einstein was coming to dinner? A Rice Krispies cake because it’s gluten and dairy free.
- Can you quickly name a good thing and a bad thing? Good thing: having a great collection. Bad thing: being cocky and skipping school.
- What is the best meal you have ever had? Steak
- Would you rather be in a hospital or in jail? Hospital
- In what endeavors would you say you have talent, and in what endeavors would you say you have no talent? I’m good at history and sports. I’m not bad at anything.
- What has been so far the best single day of your life? Placing at wrestling tournaments, especially state.
- Do you know what the longest military siege in the history was? Hundred Years’ War
- What on earth makes the least sense to you? Sometimes the words people say don't make sense.
- Did you ever love? Yes. Once in middle school and twice in high school.
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